As most of you know posts have been sporadic here for the last 2 years. As I've grappled with an increasingly hectic lifestyle, despite my best intentions it has been difficult for me to find the time to write up long, well-researched features. Anything less than that, and I always felt that I wasn't doing justice to SHP. Facebook never did feel right.
I finally realized that the world isn't so black and white. I missed the creative peeps who made up this world, missed the blog and interacting with all the people who read it and wrote in.
So, I found my small sliver of grey. I'm kickstarting SHP again, but as a Facebook page. I will be back here(the blog) once a month to spotlight everybody who's been featured on Facebook for the past month. And might be back more frequently than that, as I get back into the swing of things.
To cut a long story shot, it's Facebook folks.
Please Like Sound Horn Please's Facebook page for continued updates.
A little tip: After you've Liked it, please click on the Like button again and a little box drops down and check Get Notification (as shown), so that you actually get the updates in your feed and the posts don't get buried in Faceook's weird algorithm which decides what to show in your newsfeed.
See you on Facebook, peeps!
I will of course, continue to respond to everybody who writes in here.....