
Friday, August 13, 2010

Sound Horn Please

My first post! Hop. Skip. Jump. Happiness abounds. After gestating for months on silly aspects like header size and background colour, I'm finally writing! 

My first post had to of course be in line with the title of my blog, the ubiquitous 'Sound Horn Please' or 'Sound Horn OK' seen on Indian roads.  While trying to come up with a blog title- something that involved design but was still Indian at heart, the colourful Indian truck art is what went pop in my head!

 I LOVE the vibrancy on this one! 
Image credit: Vineeta Nair

 The harbinger of good luck in India-go mata

Vineeta Nair, the woman behind the blog 'artnlight', which I have been an ardent follower of, for a few years now, has posted wonderful, colourful, vibrant (phew! I've run out of adjectives!) images of truck art on the streets of Kerala and Mumbai. Check it out!

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  1. Happy Blogging!! This is a wonderful journey, it will take you places you've never seen :) Welcome to the blogosphere :)

  2. Divya, what is the source for these truck images. I had found them ages ago, and copied them on my computer, never knowing then that I would be blogging later. I made coasters using these images, and If I got the original source, I could put up the tutorial for the coasters. Please help me out if you can. I like the vibe to your blog, and I'm signing up to follow! :)
    Welcome to blogland! :)

  3. @ Vineeta- Thanks! And I hope it does- excited and keeping my fingers crossed!

    @GB- Same here- I copied them on my home computer ages ago, not knowing I would turn from a silent blog follower to a blogger myself! I have been trying to back track and find sources. Its been a difficult task. I'll email you the sources that I have unearthed.
    And thanks for signing up :)

  4. I was always fascinated by the art on the trucks! some trucks have very fine and intricate artwork! good to see them here..

  5. Thanks Bedazzled and Naik!

    Bedazzled- I just checked out your blog and I'm definitely going to try out your baked veggies recipe!

  6. Hey Divya, Just checked out your's right up my alley (especially this particular post :-)
    Very assured I will be back. happy blogging!!
    BTW- I love the illustration on your mast head.

  7. Thanks for dropping by Aarohi. Much appreciated :) Did you check out the post on Meera's work? I think you would love that one too!

  8. Oh well done!! well done!! Welcome to the blog world.. I loved all your posts.. one better than the other... These images are a true inspiration.. I have them saved as well.. (ha ha ha).. I've also clicked some of my own pics of trucks in India.. but none as colourful as these.. .

    Loved your blog.. and am now following you... So cant wait to see many more posts here.. Sorry I missed your into on the Key Bunch.. dont know how!! :-(

  9. Hey! Nice Blog!
    Is your header illustration be Delwyn Remedios? Is it done at the wall project..seems like painted on wall! Lovely work!

  10. nice blog yeah.i am here for the first time and an entirely different way and different posts.way to go laksh
