
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Temptations

Crate & Barrel Batik Cabinet

What a lovely mix of the east and the west! I wish somebody would show me some love and send this my way <sigh>



  1. you and me both, sister! :) I'll even settle for the cheaper versions at pier one!! :)

  2. Oh lovely piece of furniture. Just the way I like...old but new! Thanks for dropping by my blog Divya, will be stopping by yours often. By the way, love the post on Monet's house...not a huge fan of Impressionism, but he sure had a great house and awesome kitchen at Giverny!

  3. Hi Divya,

    Read your comment about your new blog on Kamini's blog....I love the header. Happy to have one more design blogger, and I so look forward to your posts.

    Adding you to our blog roll:) Drop me a line sometime:)


  4. That's a cool piece to own, add me in!

  5. love it! thanks for popping by my blog! its appreciated!

  6. Omg, that's GORGEOUS! If the Cabinet Fairy drops one off at your place, send her to mine next, please! :)

  7. Hi have a wonderful blog. I am following you!

  8. @ Kamini-Thanks for following! I have been a fan of your blog and artwork for a while now- albeit silently. I will be more vocal during my visits from now on :) Loving colour as much as I do, I prefer post-impressionism to impressionism. Monet did keep a beautiful home though!

  9. @ Sharon and Rekha- I've been following you guys for a while too. As of today, I've already begun 'dropping lines' :)

    @Anu: Thanks!

    @ Laura- Checked out your blog. Loving what you are doing with your home. And your 'about me' section did make me laugh!

  10. I SOOO want this too. what a lovely piece of furniture!

  11. This is lovely and so reminds me of home...Good stuff Divs...Sabi...
