
Friday, September 3, 2010

Creative Talent Profile: Meera Dabir

One of my motivations for starting a blog was the desire to profile some of the creative talent that I come across during my hours of 'design surfing'. I'm kick-starting that bit of my blog with Meera Dabir.

Meera paints walls. And HOW!!

 If that hasn't blown you away... digest this- Meera has no formal training in art, she painted a friend's salon and there has been no looking back. She has gone on to paint residences, commercial spaces, work on movie and ad sets and write for design mags. I think Meera's quote "Have wall, will paint. Actually, Have money, will paint." describes her the best.

Here are a few of my favourites...

Look at the detailing on the wall. Painstakingly lovely work.... A closer look at the detailing:

Makes me wish I was allowed to paint the walls of my rented apartment <sigh> 

Though walls are her focus, Meera has also painted....

 ... Furniture

 ... and created a beautiful sink that reminds me of a Turkish Bath.

I think I subconsciously chose Meera's work as the first to profile as it reminded me of the the summer holidays I spent bribing the painter(who was professionally a movie billboard and poster painter-topics on which I'll be doing posts soon) with chocolates to let me paint our walls. So, the painter got paid for not doing too much work, and I didn't get caught till I turned 15!

OK I am going to stop reminiscing and let you feast your eyes on some more of Meera's work. I loved all of them so much that I had a really tough time choosing the ones to feature.

 I love the striking colours she uses...

You can check out more of Meera's magic on her Flickr stream. If interested in commissioning Meera's work, drop me an e-mail and I'll pass on her contact details. 

{All images credited to Meera Dabir.}

Happy Labor day weekend!


  1. This is gorgeous! I especially love the very first wall on the right--the purple with mirrorwork/silver foil? gorgeous! Nice post!

  2. That is some serious talent. Great post!

  3. Fabulous talent and what a riot of colours!

    Glad you dropped by at Rang Decor...the name of your blog was so intriguing...Do drop by at India & i ( one of my other blogs) you might like it:-)


  4. LOVELOVELOVE it all meera.... the colours, the prints, the textures and the brilliant ideas behind it all..... gary

  5. Fabulous Meera, fabulous pictures and fabulous post, Divya :) So happy to see this!

  6. Gosh! She is soo talented! I loved her catholic wall, the yellow painted desk and of course the faux mosaic sink!


  8. Amazing work from the talented lady..loved every work featured here..btw, where is Meera based?

  9. Hey Divya! thanks for the supremely head-swelling post. :)
    Thanks everyone for all the great feedback!

    Just need to make one teensy weensy correction (chanelling my inner Anal Annie) The 'Turkish Sink' is a piece of actual handpainted Mexican pottery from Puebla - I did the mirrorwork (not faux) mosaic around it. :)

    Thanks again, guys!
    Meera D

  10. Really beautiful art work! Nice work highlighting such nice work Divya. I'm assuming this is her blog: - you should link to it if so!

  11. Thanks all! Sorry for getting back so late- I was out of town for most of last week.

    @ Sharon- me too! Though I would say, its a hard choice as I love them all.

    @Rekha- Meera is based out of Mumbai. Let me know if you need her contact deets. Sorry for getting back so late!

    @Anjali- Yep, that's Meera's blog (rather one of them). But she isn't very active on it (last post Nov. 08), she posts her photos more regularly on her Flickr stream, so decided to link to that instead.

  12. Oh my gosh!! My heart nearly skipped a beat here!! this is simply simply gorgeous!! I am in awe of Meeras talent... Please let me know.. if I can re-feature this on my blog.. I'd love to show off those walls.. :-)

  13. Such a talented lady.. and such pretty walls !!1 i am drooling !

  14. I so fell in love with the dining room and the bedroom ones and of course, the squares ...beautiful. Actually, love them all...


  15. oh thats a great post!.. love the colors and shape.. thanks for posting such a lovely talent!

  16. This is fabulous !!! Very creative and unusual---The Asian Paints guys should take tips from Meera on how to make walls look interesting :)



  17. @ Rekha and Akshatha- I completely agree!

  18. This is gorgeous...amazing talent. Love your posts...great work! Thnks for stopping by My Dream Canvas and your sweet comment. Take care Anu!

  19. These are beautiful! What talent! I hope to paint like this in our apartment and only hope it could look halfway as good as this. Or, we might have a job for her! :)
