
Monday, September 27, 2010

Gordon Gekko's Protege Slept Here

I watched the sequel to the movie Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps over the weekend. The original inspired me years ago to join investment banking, until I realized that I belonged at the far far end of the spectrum from investment banking :)

The apartments shown in the movie are gorgeous and are SO huge that I couldn't believe that they were actually Manhattan apartments! So, I did some intense googling until I unearthed photos of the apartment that Gekko's protege, played by Shia LaBeouf, is shown to live in.

Anybody having lived in or visited Manhattan would know how strapped we are for space. This apartment right in downtown Manhattan is a duplex with 4 bedrooms, 5 baths AND 3500 sq. feet of outdoor space!

 Stairway to heaven? 
(Sorry, couldn't resist it! Its the first thought that popped into my head on seeing the staircase)

Look at the view! Empire state building it is, as shown repeatedly in the movie. I loved the fact that there are no heavy or frilly drapes ruining the view. And the decor is so minimalistic, making the view more riveting. Also like the mix and match of the white/light chairs with the heavy leather armchairs at the end. 

The outdoor space is probably bigger than most Manhattan apartments!

Keeping in mind that a Type A investment banker is supposed to be using the apartment, I loved the clean angular look of the four poster bed, white sheets, no nonsense bookcase doubling as a desk.

 Okay, this might be irrelevant to decor but I HAD to put in a pic of the to-die-for-closet-space.
 Image credit for all photos to Julie Glassberg for The New York Times.

Also, a peek into the apartment used in the movie by Gekko's daughter. An apartment built by John Jacob Astor in 1827. More photos of the apartment here.
 Image credit: Jennifer S. Altman for The New York Times


  1. Those were some drool worthy pics, absolutely delightful.

  2. The closet space is just awesome! The picture of the outdoor space surprisingly reminds me of houses in kerala

  3. Hi new to your blog but as much as I explore your space am getting hooked. awesome work and beautiful posts.
    thanks for visiting too. am suffering from a very slow connection and somehow your comment got deleted. sorry for that.

  4. Awesome~ And yes,great views need to be appreciated all day long. No need for fancy schmancy window dressings there!

  5. The first part was very good!! I didn't like sequel one as much as I liked the first one!! Beautiful apartment!! Thats awesome space and nicely decorated!!

  6. Watched the sequel today .. liked it a lot.. now i have to dig up the first movie to check out the apartment !

  7. @Sayantani- Absolutely no problem! Will drop b your blog more often from now on.. so you can expect more comments :)

    @Sharon- I'm glad we think alike.. great minds and all that :)

    @Purnima- I agree, I liked the first one better too.

    @Bedazzled- The apartment pics here are from the sequel.

    @Rekha- Yes! droool...

  8. lovely pictures dear.loved the outer resembles kerala,ur right
