
Monday, October 18, 2010

Artist Profile: Kamini Raghavan

I kick-started the 'October Artist Profile Month' series with Vishal Misra here. I then realized that there are so many talented amateur (Please note that usage of 'amateur' is not an indication of the artists' abilities, but a reference to the fact they mostly pursue painting as a hobby.) artists in the blogsphere.

Today, I introduce to you one such highly talented artist that we all already know as Saffron and Silk - Kamini Raghavan. Kamini's beautiful home(s) have already been featured by some of my favourite bloggers- OUATT, Of peacocks and paisleys, The Key Bunch and Colours Dekor. But today, Sound Horn Please brings to you the artist behind the blogger/interior designer.

Kamini was particular that I mention that some of her artwork are copies of paintings she is liked. But her brushwork and paintings look so professional that they can't be dismissed as mere copies. I'm posting an original watercolour of Kamini's first to prove my point.

Her abstract women paintings are my personal favourite! Note her versatility with various mediums.

Kamini, Morocco or Turkey inspired?

Another set of her originals

And lastly her colourful Ganesha!

Also, do drop by her wonderful blog -her recent DIY post reveals that her creativity extends beyond painting!

Image credit for all paintings to Kamini Raghavan. 


  1. Wow! Kamini your work is stunning. Now i am confused am i a bigger fan of your paintings or the yummy pizza you made that day or sheer creativity with which you made the tealight holder.

  2. @Prachi- So rightly put! She is so multi-faceted isn't she?!

  3. Thanks Sound Horn!! I sound way better than I really am, seriously! :-) And thanks Prachi! I am what they call "A Jill of all trades and mistress of none". I dabble in everything.....

  4. oh my!! oh my! Her work is gorgeous!! Please... she is far too esteemed... for me to have a mention with a post about Kamini.. I totally love her.. and her blog.. and her work.. and her home.. :-)

  5. I think Kamini's work is gorgeous! Copied or not, she manages to make every piece come alive...and not many artists can do that!

    :)...and I absolutely love that second painting you have put up here!

  6. Divya, I'm a BIG fan of Kamini's work and her blog is part of my daily my must read list....and the more I get to see of her personality, the more I like it.

  7. Wow!! such lovely stuff !! Love it !

  8. Divya, I am so enjoying all your features. Kamini is clearly talented and although she may think her work imitates others, I agree with you that she has put a distinctive something of herself in all of them . I really like the one with the white house.

  9. @Susan- Same here- I enjoy all of yours! We have a mutual admiration society here ;) The white house is a Kamini original.

    @Bedazzled, Gagan, Sharon, Lakshmi and Pat- I feel exactly the same way- about her blog and work. As is apparent by my post :)

  10. I am a big fan of Kamini. Her work, her personality, her home and her photographs. Thanks for featuring her!

  11. Again, thank you all. To get compliments from people is nice, but to get them from people whose blogs I read and re-read and whose work I admire, is really wonderful!

  12. great work showcasing a talented artist and a wonderful blogger....:)

  13. these are really great!
    check out my blog
