
Monday, October 25, 2010

Artist Profile: Sohan Jakhar

Sohan Jakhar is a Visual Artist from Jaipur, Rajasthan who has held solo shows in Hong Kong, Dubai, Mumbai and Delhi. His work has also been auctioned by Sotheby's, New York in 2009!

Today I will concentrate on Sohan's most recent work examining the visual dynamics of roadside bazaars in India. In Sohan's own words, " Visuals of roadside stalls anticipate and announce the cultural and technological shifts."

The vibrant decorative motifs in the background come from the painted frescos on the Havelis of Shekhavati in Rajasthan, Sohan's native village.

These images bring back such wonderful memories!

If you loved Sohan's work as much as I did, do check them out at his website.

Isn't it wonderful that despite India's diversity, these images from Rajasthan are the same as ones you would find on the streets of Madras? And I'm sure readers from other parts of India would agree (?)


  1. lovely!! its a pleasure knowing such talented artist. off to check his website

  2. Great artist, probably I have seen the best depiction of India in his work!

  3. I haven't seen images done like this before and they are simply wonderful. Hats off to you, Sohan! :) Will visit the website right after this and Divya your taste is impeccable!

  4. oh my!! this is the first.. I've never seen these before.. Very very nice!! Creative and original!!

  5. wow, these are amazing! Looks like photo negatives which have been blown up and colored. And what great images...and color! I have to go check out more of his work, very inspiring!

  6. Thanks for the compliment Susan :)

    @Kamini- Wow! You got that exactly right! and he also adds his own backgrounds :)

  7. awesome work...Are they posterized versions of his photographs?

  8. These images are fantastic!
