
Monday, December 6, 2010

How about a little P&P today? Blog swap alert!

I am honoured, thrilled, exhilarated, ecstatic, exultant (I've run out of adjectives! But Gagan deserves much much more) to introduce you to Gagan of, Of Peacocks and Paisleys! Her follower count reads like an Indian auto meter, which stands testimony to how popular and wonderful her blog is. Gagan holds a very very special place in my memories of SHP, as she was SHP's first follower.  Now over to Gagan.....

A Moodboard for December......

Hello SHP readers, I'm Gagan, author of the blog "Of Peacocks and Paisleys," and I'm  thrilled to be posting here at Sound Horn Please today!!! 

I'd like to share with you my ideas for holiday decor with a global influence. December is a time for bidding adieu to the old year and for bringing in the new year with a bang! There are festivals galore and  it's hard to avoid the upbeat spirit of the season. Shorter days and cold wintry winds just beg to be countered with color and's the perfect antidote to post-Diwali blues!!! I usually dress up my home in festive colors and sparkle during Diwali and the festivities stretch through to mid-January, the string lights stay up through winter and a few seasonal elements creep in...most years I've gone with the palette of rusty reds, emerald greens and antique gold,  but this year, as we moved into a new city and home, I've been itching to switch things up. Ennui is a big driving force for creativity!!!! ;) 

This December, I've introduced some peacock blues and amethysts to the mix, making it a truly jewel-toned Diwali and Christmas, a navratan palette so to speak! What's interesting for me is that I've been seeing a lot more color in  storefronts and displays as well--looks like everybody has the same idea! :) Also, the global influence is inescapable--and it thrills me no end to find little treasures to decorate with. This year, in an effort to curb clutter, and in an effort to go green, I've re-purposed most of what I had at hand, using paints to bring in the colors I wanted, but If I were to build it up from scratch, here's what my December would look like...........

The festive colors of the rainbow--exotic and rich!! Some colorful seating options, a few Moroccan lamps or string lights + I totally {heart} that blue chest of drawers!! 

Colorful M&Ms, a few oversized beads, some twigs spray-painted gold, refreshing mint tea served up in Moroccan tea glasses....

1, 2 and 3.

More Moroccan colors!!! And purple and red look SO good together, don't you think?

These are the colors of MY December-- what color is yours?

Gagan, thanks for the moodboard! You did really do wonders for my mood. The whiff of Morocco, reds and purples chased away my exhaustion!

 My dear readers, In case you are wondering- Yes! Gagan is as lovely a person as the peek into her personality we get from her posts! 

Also, I am blogging at Of Peacocks and Paisleys today. Do hop over!


  1. Loved that inlaid chest and the blue bottles G!

  2. loved the post...Gagan...makes me want to hop on a plane and fly to Morocco and pick up the lovely goodies...
    Btw, that same inlay Chest is available @ Nadeau, a store abt 10 mins from my place. It is gorgeous...!!!

  3. Gagan, I have always admired your "palette".. simply uplifting one's spirits..

  4. The blog swap was one brilliant idea, Divya..Gagan has an eye for beauty and it reflects in this post as well. Gr9 post Gagan.

  5. All these pictures brought back fond memory of my last big bash at home. It took so much out of me cos I redecorated the whole house in the Moroccan theme that I never threw another big bash since..hahaha!

  6. wow..very lovely post! what a cool idea to blog swap!!! Gagan, the inspirational board is so cool.. love the shops and blogs you have featured!!!

  7. OK i could have guessed this was Gagan even if I had not known about the blog swap! GB, that whole Moroccan thing you got going had me salivating! 2 amazing bloggers come guys rock!

  8. Oh Lovely... lovely.. Such amazing pictures.. I so want to go to Morocco.. I want that lamp.. and lantern.. :-(

  9. Fantastic.Love everything in the moodboard.Great job GB.Cool idea to blog swap.

  10. have been eyeing a Moroccan lantern for long. After this post, I think I'll head straight to the shops from work today.

  11. what fun! blogswaps are in...i say;) loved the moodboard & those Moroccan glasses are so sis got them as a gift & i am trying to convince her i need them more than her.

  12. I would have known this was Gagan, even if you had not given me the heads up. The post is so P&P style.

    Nice mood boards.

  13. Well Divya...Gagan introduced me to you and rest is history.I love both of your blogs.
    The last picture is amazing.And the morrocan lanterns are killing!

  14. @Awwwww, you gals are the best! I'm pulling up a chair right beside you girls to enjoy all the eye candy too! Thanks for all your sweet comments! :)

  15. I'm so glad that you stopped by, I look forward to following you, too!

  16. New home. Same great Gagan. Off to see some more of SHP!

