
Friday, January 21, 2011

Show SHP some Facebook love?

Helloooo to all you wonderful readers who are sitting in front of a computer and reading this right now. I apologize for my absence for the past few days from the blog world. Work commitments and ensuing exhaustion took its toll.

I am reaching out to you today about SHP finally being on Facebook. See that small 'Find us on Facebook' widget on the right side bar of this page? I finally got around to creating a Facebook Page for Sound Horn Please!

Do visit it and 'Like' Sound Horn Please (I notice that some of you were very quick to spot the widget that popped up a week ago- Mucho thanks :) ). I plan to use the page to stay connected to all you wonderful readers- some of whom have become friends over the past few months. I look forward to getting to knowing you all better and having some wonderful conversations :)

See you here on Facebook! Sooon!

Stay tuned this week for an Artist Profile, A Guest Post and a slew of other posts!

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