
Monday, May 30, 2011


My apologies for being AWOL for the last 10 days. I have been spending every spare minute with my family who is visiting from India. As I haven't seen them in 1.5 years, I hope 10 days is excusable :)

Now that the initial euphoria has burst, you will see Sound Horn Please back in action. Stay tuned this summer for some inspiring entrepreneurial journeys and gorgeous wares here at SHP.

I know, I have been remiss in the past few weeks in visiting many of your blogs. A huge THANK YOU for still visiting SHP and leaving your comments. I have definitely missed my daily source of inspiration from the blog world!

{Image credit SHP}


  1. enjoy your time with the family...:-)

  2. Good to have you back, missed ya! But family always comes first so you're totally excused!

  3. Good to have you back in action Divya... Hope you had a great family time ...!!

  4. Missed you Divya. Looking forward for more fun :-)

  5. Divya, good to have you back! Isn't it great when family visits here....
