
Friday, May 13, 2011

Wallpaper: Reborn in India

Wallpaper goes to India for their latest issue! Titled, 'Reborn in India' its a lovely juxtaposition of travel and design.

Take a peek at art collector Shalini Passi's New Delhi home...

Travel to Devi Ratn, Jaipur....

Look at how NID designers are reaching out to rural Tripura through bamboo-based designs...

 Gloat at a few of the innovative architectural designs, with interactive floor plans if I may add, that have been showcased... 
Right from a mosquito net house to a bamboo home!

Lastly, try your hand at a few Indian recipes that have been aesthetically styled...
Though, I'm quite disappointed that bright pink and yellow have been used to style the plating in all the photos. Given the high quality of the mag, I wish they hadn't succumbed to pigeon-holing India here.

{Image credit for all images to Wallpaper}

And before I sign off for the weekend, thank you Anjali for the link!

Have a great weekend! I'm spending it with my sister who is visiting from India- Happiness abounds!


  1. Nice post. Yay....enjoy your time with your sister:-)

  2. Have fun with your sister !!!

  3. Thanks for sharing.. :) Missing Beauty of India here.

  4. That was a long time since we last saw you:-). Loved the home and that balcony in the first pic and the blue bed room. . Enjoy your time with the sis - nothing like it.

  5. the Indian recipe serving style is the most i liked...the designs are amazing...

  6. Nice post Diwi. The designs are awesome. Enjoy the time with your sister...
