
Thursday, August 18, 2011

What do Royalty and the Streets of Delhi Have in Common?

...........The fashion designer JJ Valaya. JJ Valaya recently turned photographer and the results are a stunning mix of gorgeous textiles and antique jewelery. As soon I laid my eyes on the stunning black and white images, I had to come back from obscurity to do this post.

 The overnight change in their lifestyles in free India- A maharaja sharing a bench with a commoner, another standing proud in front of a slum and yet another sitting upright among the ruins of his fort....

 ..... And the contrast with a fleeting glimpse of their former glory.

For more pictures, please go here.

{Credit for all images to JJ Valaya}


  1. beautiful pics..take you to old world...

  2. sensational!! Glad you shared this here.

  3. And finally.. we have you back!! :-) Oh.. Just today, I was reading about the Rajas and Raj Mathas from Jodhpur and Bikaner .. and how they lost their glory and how difficult the situation became for them. There are still a few who have not come to terms with this, and still live like they would years and years ago!!

    The photographs speak a million words.. and are absolutely stunning!!

  4. Divya, so happy to see you back with this post. I love love love his work and am interested to do a short post on JJ Valaya as well.

    Thank you for the link and don't go away for too long again ;p!

  5. Lovely post Divya. What amazing themes and photographs to also exhibit his work.

  6. Thank you ladies! I'm really happy to be back!

  7. isnt this! thanks for sharing divz

  8. These pictures are awesome, wow! Nice to see an SHP update after quite some time :)

  9. These are the most fun and wonderful photographs to look at. The King and the commoner! Even today, I think in India we love our Kings. In Mysore, I love visiting the Palace. And with the loss of their estates, they travel with us and are more visible than ever. Loved the photographs.


  10. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. So... gorgeous.

  11. Before this post I only saw the very last photo somewhere online...but I love the whole set! They're very quirky and intriguing.

  12. These are simply gorgeous. Nothing says a story as well as black and white does.
