
Friday, November 16, 2012

Artnlight Giveaway!

I come out of the woodwork to blog occasionally. This is one of those rare occasions that needs an appearance.

Five years ago, Artnlight and RangDecor were my first introduction to the design blog world. I was captivated by Archana's and Vineeta's images and how they captured the ordinary. Vineeta asked me to write a guest post to celebrate Artnlight turning five, which was a post I'd intended to use to turn the spotlight on her photography skills. Instead, here's a post that is still doing exactly that.

With decoupage as a medium, Vineeta managed to turn the beautiful photos that she captured, into an even more beautiful and lasting line of products. Here are a few of my favorites from her gorgeous Rajasthan series.

Vee, is kindly giving away this gorgeous tray from her Rajasthan- inspired series as a giveaway for SHP readers!

You get three shots at winning it,

1. Post a comment on this post
2. Like the Artnlight Facebook page and post a comment below letting us know that you have.
3. And if you've already Liked it, spread the word about the give-away on your Facebook page and post a comment letting us know.

Please leave a comment confirming you have liked the page/spread the word on Facebook, so its easier for us to pick the winner from one place- The comments section below this post.

Also, please remember to leave THREE comments, if you've done all three of the above and want to increase your shot at winning!

This giveaway is open till November 30th

The winner will be announced on December 1st. Good luck!

Congratulations on the anniversary Vineeta! 
And here's hoping that Artnlight as a source of creative inspiration never ceases...


  1. I have been silently reading your blog for sometime. I just wish you blog more often. :)

    I have also liked Art n Light's FB page by the name - Surabhi Surendra

  2. Hey I got here first! Absolutely love the tray and promise to take good care of it. Forever and ever. Amen.

  3. Congratulations Vineeta! Love love love your work! SHP, here's what I had to say on my FB page. :)
    "artnlight celebrates its 5th anniversary by giving away this gorgeous gorgeous decoupaged tray at Sound Horn Please!
    Congratulations Vineeta and thanks Divya Rajan for this opportunity!
    I have always been in awe of Vineeta's works and here's hoping that tray makes its journey to my home... :-)))"
    *waits in anticipation* :)

  4. Congratulations Vineeta and artnlight! Love love your work!
    Have spread the word on my FB page and i wait in anticipation. :)

  5. I love Vineeta's work and it would be a real treat to win this lovely tray.

  6. Sign me up please, pronto! Love Vineeta's work.

    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway, Divs and Vineeta! Happy fifth anniversary, Vineeta!

  7. Love your blog! Such a change from the too kitschy designs one usually sees in Indian design blogs. Have liked the artlight page on FB.Such gorgeous stuff.

  8. Vineeta's work and blog are real heart stealers...! I wish I get this tray I do have one of her trays at home though, but greed has no limits, and eye for creativity has no limits).

    I have liked her page on Facebook long time back.. :) will post it too on facebook that there is a give away on SHP. :D


  9. love the give away !!
    it has been a while since i last visited :( sorry !! I miss your old header...!! I used to love it

  10. This blue tray is one of my all-time favorites of V's work! It is gorgeous, isn't it?! Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. Here is my comment - Me me me......!

  12. Third comment - have spread the word on my FB page!

  13. Gorgeous tray.......would love to win it!

  14. Entry three: Have shared this Giveaway on my FB wall.

  15. I'm going to give my luck a try... Anything for Vineeta's tray, really :-). And fabulous to be back here, girl !!

  16. Page liked already!! Shared post on my fb page. Ok? Now eligible , D?

  17. Go on and make my year by picking me :)

    Happy Anniversary to ArtnLight and wish you many more.

  18. Been following the ArtnLight page and blog for a while now.

  19. Have been reading artnlight for a while the tray too!!
    Krithika Ram

  20. Divya,

    This is awesome giveaway, The tray is as gorgeous as Vineeta's blog, I will be lucky if I win it ...:)

  21. Liked her on Facebook as well :) increasing my chances :)

  22. came here from Artnlight page and loving it. beautiful page you have here and this give away is so awesome. love all the trays.

  23. Many congrats to artnlight for completing 5 years. Have liked the FB page :)

  24. Congrats for completing 5 years Artnlight. Have liked your page on FB .

  25. Been a follower of artnlight blog for some time. Came to this blog via the artnlight blog. The blog posts are very nice. Glad that I came here!

    Keeping fingers crossed for the tray! its awesome...

  26. Hey Vineeta, M never lucky at the give aways. but i sincerely like your work and appreciate you a lot.. hope to meet you sometime soon..

  27. Lovely post :).
    I have never won a give away and nothing indicates I will get lucky this time.. but hey, just to say I love all of Vineeta's work and been following artnlight on FB :D

  28. Liked artnlight on Facebook a long time ago!

  29. came here from Vineeta's FB post about hte giveaway~ it's gorgeous - already liked the artnlight page:)

  30. Liked both your pages, shared on FB...its a gorgeous tray!

  31. And shared it on my FB page!

  32. Done.... :).. Vineeta is my fav artist :) ... Vani

  33. Thank you Vinita and for this lovely tray...i have been eyeing it for a while now :) its the perfect mix of traditional and modern with fine decoupaged the Jaali picture and the colour is my fav! I already like your FB page and have been following your blogs religiously! will spread the news and hope to win this :) - Tania

  34. LOVE Vineeta's work!
    like all..her page, blog..
    here is the givaway news on my FB Page:

  35. I am liking your blog, though I came to it from Vineeta's. Its an interesting way of connecting people with art. Have liked the page and shared it on my fb as well.:) Good luck.

  36. classy love the blue it is made with love, so that one can serve others with love.

  37. Fantastic give away. I would love to own one of her trays :)

  38. Congratulations!! to Vineeta. Liked ArtnLight FB page. Love the tray and I really hope to win it:-)

  39. Hi Vineeta,

    Your's was the first art blog that i ever read and instantly fell in love with it. I started reading it almost 2.5 years back and from then on... its like an addiction for daily dose of inspiration. Keep up the good work. Would love to have that tray of yours :-) Would treasure it forever..

  40. I have been following Vineeta for some time, your blog is new to me but since I love India and what is Indian I will read your blog as well from now on!

  41. I think Vineeta's work should be hung on a wall. Have liked her on FB and liked the fact that you are having this super giveaway of her work. I really hope I win.

  42. Lovely collection of Beautiful pieces...

    HAd already liked the page, have commented and shared your work aswell. :)

  43. ?Beautiful pieces and wonderful technique.Love your work.Had already liked your page and have also commented and shared this page. :)

  44. ?Beautiful pieces and wonderful technique.Love your work.Had already liked your page and have also commented and shared this page. :)

  45. This blog is new to me ..congratulations on completing five years..I have completed the three shots ...hope I have aimed right!!

  46. Love all your trays. I am new to this blog. Hope I win!

  47. Always like vineeta's work. her blog inspired me alot how small n ordinary things become soooo beautiful. luv her photography. really wish for tht blue tray :))its awesome. allready liked the fb page.

  48. Vineeta's collection is inspiring,warm & cheerful & her eye for detail is simply superb..What a lovely way to celebrate arrival of newyear!!count me in...

  49. Congratulations on completing 5 years !

  50. Wish you would blog more reading yours,vineeta's and archana's blogs.fb page liked.

  51. I am an ardent fan of vineethas blog...and her creative work..Can definitely claim being the religious follower of her works..waiting for the gorgeous tray...have already like her FB page...:)...@sandhya nair..

  52. Liked the facebook page and sent a message too. Vineeta, ur work is wonderful.

  53. Like it! Good job Vineeta - I love reading your blog

  54. Wow ! Vineeta,s work is lovely as usual....

  55. Hi :)
    Lovely giveaway!!! cant wait to have it :P just trying my luck for this Beautiful piece...

    HAd already liked the page, have commented and shared too :) YAY!!!

  56. The antique effect given to the tissue box is BRILLIANT!!. Simply love it.

  57. Beautiful tray... Would love to win it.. matches with my japanese inspired turquoise and copper/maroon bedroom!

    free13spirit at gmail dot com

  58. I agree, when I started blogging a few years ago about my growing admiration for India design, artnlight -- and SHP too! -- were among the first blogs I discovered to learn more. I love her decoupage products.

  59. And OF COURSE I like artnlight on FB! Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  60. And I promoted this giveaway post on India pied-a-terre's Facebook, as well as a link to artnlight. Thank you Divya and Vineeta!

  61. WanderShopper (Sarah Shaw)November 28, 2012 at 6:06 PM

    Discovered Sound Horn Please today. Really like the Indian inspired products. Always being an overachiever, so I liked you on FB as well as posted a link to your page on my blog, WanderShopper. And then of course there is the comment here. Fingers crossed!

  62. wow, I just made in time to participate in the contest :)

    Congrats vineeta on completing 5 years.

    Already a fan of artnlight.

    Also am glad I found this great Blog, would be a frequent visitor from now on :)

  63. Thnx for hosting this amazing giveaway!!!!

  64. Have liked ur fb page... My fb name is: neha mishra

  65. Have spread word about the giveaway on fb.. Link is:
