
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Buddhas and Window Displays

Remember the blog post on my visit to the Asia Society? While there I also spent time drooling at their creative display of Buddhas. I love Buddhas and it was wonderful to see them displayed with such drama and creativity. All the statues had the recurring theme of 'Buddha under a tree'.

This is just a teaser photo... I just HAD to put it up as I love hanging lanterns. But you can spot the Buddha in the bottom corner of the photo.

 The hanging glass beads remind me of cherry blossoms! Note the hanging bronze birds in flight. Aren't they lovely?

A white Buddha under a tree with leaves made of mother of pearl(?)

Another bronze Buddha under peacock feathers and disco lights. Like the drama?

Now if only I could add drama to displaying the Buddha head sitting on my bookcase!

Sorry about the image quality-I was asked to take photos without using flash and as it was late evening the light was inadequate, I did the best I could!

Stay tuned for another 'Creative Profile' tomorrow!


  1. Love the second image. the leaves of mother -of -pearl are from a plant called luminaria or money plant! Lovely pictures and great post!

  2. Awesome post, loved the crystal tree and the Buddha.

  3. I am a complete drooler for Brass buddha statues...(sigh!)...loved the display windows.

    Thank you for visitng my blog...your blog's name reminded me of the back of our Indian trucks and lorries :-)...I am so glad you found your way into my blog...yours is going to my blog roll right away. Do keep stopping by..i would love to see you around

  4. These are gorgeous anyway! I love the serenity of the last photo! And of course a packed bookcase.

  5. Love the bronze birds and the beaded tree....!!gorgeous pics...!!!
